Make google Cherish your pages, and they will never disappoint you!

At iFox Clicks, we recognize that customers use search engines to research problems, discover solutions, and explore products and services. Search engines prioritize providing relevant and up-to-date information, including content from your competitors. Understanding your customers' pain points and their search queries, and optimizing your digital assets to align with search engine algorithms, forms a foundational strategy for long-term traffic growth in digital marketing. We employ proven SEO strategies to ensure businesses effectively attract and retain targeted traffic

How we Develop an effective SEO strategy for your business.

Optimizing your website for Search Engines calls for the understanding of business needs, customer behavior, competitor activities & search engine algorithms. An organic way of building Search Engine ranking involves a balanced approach that results in positive rather than any adverse effect. Here is our approach.

  • Customer Groups & Pain Points

    Customer Groups & Pain Points

    Understand various customer segments & understand their pain points

  • Search Keywords & Phrases

    Search Keywords & Phrases

    Study their online behavior of searching & discovering solutions with keywords/phrases

  • Competitor's Activities

    Competitor's Activities

    Analyze the competitor’s strategies & activities to show up their website in search engines

  • Keyword Volume & Density

    Keyword Volume & Density

    Extensive analysis of the keywords search volume, trends, density to pick the right ones

  • On-Page Optimization

    On-Page Optimization

    Carry out the hygiene & on-page optimization standards to build a strong foundation

  • Off-Page Optimization

    Off-Page Optimization

    Undertake systematic activities to build content & backlinks that improve the ranking

  • Analyze & Improve

    Analyze & Improve

    Keep a close watch on traffic, keyword performance & competitor activity to improve

Ready to discuss with our
SEO expert

How we optimize your website for Search Engines

  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-Page Optimization
  • GMB (Google My Business)
  • Google Analytics Setup & Tracking
  • GTM (Google Tag Manager)
  • Rich Results
  • Analyze & Improve

Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization involves external activities aimed at improving search engine rankings. Our focus is on enhancing domain authority through content creation and earning backlinks from other websites.

Off-Page Optimization

  • Search Engine Submission
  • Directory Submission
  • Bookmarking Submission
  • Article Submission
  • Web 2.0 Submissions
  • Video Submission

Off-Page Optimization

Off-Page Optimization

  • Image Submission
  • PDF / Document / Slideshare Submission
  • Press Release Submission
  • Classified Submissions
  • Blog Comments like Quora
  • Forum Submissions & Comments

GMB (Google My Business)

Google My Business (GMB) is Google's online directory for local businesses, appearing in search results. Managing GMB details enhances local visibility and boosts search rankings, given the high local intent in search queries.

GMB (Google My Business)

  • Signup / Claim Your Business in GMB
  • Business Details like address, phone no, website
  • Update pictures & activities
  • Update products & services
  • Manage Reviews

Google Analytics Setup & Tracking

At iFox Clicks, we understand that your website serves as the central hub for all digital activities, including campaigns like search ads and social ads. Integrating Google Analytics is essential for monitoring traffic, traffic sources, and other parameters to assess the effectiveness of digital activities and continuously improve. We delve into data, analyze trends, and extract meaningful insights to enhance overall performance.

Rich Results

Enhance your search engine listings with the power of Rich Snippets. These eye-catching additions increase organic click-through rates. Our expert SEO team designs and integrates structured markup, such as Schema, into HTML code to achieve rich results for your business.

Own an e-commerce store? SEO can boost sales!

SEO for your eCommerce website drives relevant traffic and potential leads, directly increasing sales. Displaying products with compelling photos, pricing, and ratings on search pages enhances click-through rates. We leverage all available options to maximize organic traffic through search engine queries, known for their high conversion rates. Users seeking answers quickly find value, making this approach highly effective with the highest ROI.

What we do?

  • Google tag Manager Implementation
  • Product Featured listing optimization
  • Google Product listing
  • Implementing Questions & Answers on Google
  • Reviews and Ratings Snippets for Products
  • Affiliate product listing
  • Product category URL Structuring
  • Targeting sales driven keywords
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